Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dirty Work Afoot...

Born when the world was young, a trio of ancient powers, long trapped in time, have been fused together by inexplicable energies and emboldened with newfound vigor. Unchained at last the creature emerges from its otherworldly lair, a half-dozen eyes gleaming with steely determination, bearing three keyboards bristling with untold arcane force…what? Keyboards?

Announcing Three-Headed Monster Games, brought to you by, well, three heads, myself included. The other pair of heads is a pair of Mikes, namely Michael Curtis and Michael Shorten. Yes, those two characters better known in this realm of gaming as Amityville Mike and Chgowiz. I had the pleasure of becoming online blogging acquaintances with these two last year. In December the three of us began to trade advice and critical thoughts centered on the One Page Dungeon idea. Shortly thereafter we formulated the notion of publishing material with one another’s insight and assistance.

From that concept grew what we are unveiling today with Three-Headed Monster Games; a working cooperative and collaborative gathering place for like-minded gaming enthusiasts to congregate. Tapping into the collected talents of its members, Three-Headed Monster Games seeks to establish itself as a functional think tank and design space for both writers and artists who can maintain complete control of their ideas while publishing under an identifiable brand.

For the time being the effort involves just the three founders, Mike, Mike and Dave. You are invited to follow our plans, projects and progress at the new web log, which is sure to give plenty of tidbits on upcoming publications. The galvanizing force that prompted us to finally move forward with this concept is being unveiled as I type this. I’ve had the pleasure of a sneak peek at this book, and I am proud to announce the first in what promises to be a long line of quality material from Three-Headed Monster Games.

That book? Michael Shorten’s elegant Swords & Wizardry Quick Start rules. Mike has managed to create an effortless no frills set of low level rules, and the only analogy I can come up with is also the highest compliment I can conceive of; it is to S&W as Holmes D&D was to 0e. No I am not comparing the two or claiming that this is the new Holmes edit, just that it fills a similar role, serving as a great jumping off point for beginners while catering to the needs of dedicated low-level enthusiasts. The Dungeon of Akban is perfectly positioned within to provide invaluable examples for both the neophyte GM and the hardened veteran, and even if you own Swords & Wizardry already, you may find yourself reaching for this before the Core Rules themselves. If it’s not already available, it should be soon at Ye Old RPG storefront.

There are already other ideas percolating in the THM pot, and the Swords & Wizardry Quick Start is just the beginning. So pop by and say Hello. Just let me warn you, there’s dirty work afoot at Three-Headed Monster Games. You have been warned!

~Sham, Quixotic Referee


  1. Awesomeness. I've added THM's blog to my blogroll. Can't wait to see what comes of this venture!

  2. This is just awesome! You guys are really talented, so I know you'll go far! Good luck!

  3. Will be watching with interest.

  4. I will be keeping the old eyeballs peeled in your direction.

  5. Thanks all. I'm confident we'll be adding more interesting material to Chgowiz's S&W QS before too long.

  6. Excellent work on the QSR.

    Now, somehow, I really don't know how, you have to promote and place the QSR in non-gaming venues.

    That's the only way to really get new people in.

    If you promote it only in forums or blogs, I won't have much effect.

    Just IMHO.

  7. I truly cannot take credit except by association; this was Chgowiz's baby.

    I think it might best be used as an easy to understand version of the game that can be handed or loaned out by GM's to new players.

    I like it enough to use it as a core rules. How? Imagine the Hell out of it, as they say. :-)

  8. Congratulations on the new-founded partnership. Yep, I'll be adding TMG to the list of stuff I promote on my blog, and yep, I'll be checking in regularly myself.
