Wednesday, July 1, 2009

112 Page Dungeon Contest

As most are aware at this point, the highly successful One Page Dungeon Contest (OPDC) Winners have been announced. I'd first like to thank Chatty DM and Chgowiz who together took on the bulk of the effort here; announcing the contest, assembling a staggering array of prizes, accepting entries, and remaining flexible during the entire process. They also served as judges, and brought in myself and a few other innocent bystanders to help in that department, namely Alex Schroeder, Amityville Mike, and Dave the Game, for a total of one half dozen judges charged with reading and evauluating all 112 entries, and coming up with winners.

By the time you read this my esteemed cohorts will have already compiled the Honorable Mentions, Runners Up, and Winning Entries. Rather than make you read what has already been posted, simply follow these links from three of the judges involved. I'd like to thank all 112 of the contest entrants. It was an honor to be able to get an early look at these dungeons, and to be able to evaluate each when formulating my list of favorites. To say I was impressed with the creativity of many of the entries would be an understatement.

Here's the little scan I made back in December of last year that started this whole thing. Wait until you see how many of the contestants interpreted this simple idea and made my original flounderings seem laughably rudimentary by comparison!

I'll have a lot more to add in regard to the contest, and I'll be focusing on some themes and individual entries in the future. In the meantime, hearty handshakes go all around to everyone involved with the One Page Dungeon Contest.

~Sham, Quixotic Referee


  1. Your "flounderings" have done us all a great service...the one-pagers that have come from the contest will give many a play groups hours of entertainment to come.

    I've been reading just a few of the OPDs made available, and they sure look exciting!

  2. Please more "flounderings"!

    This was an awesome concept and everyone involved judges, participants, sponsors are RPG Rockstars. But, it'd never had happened without your initial, tentative "hey guys, I had this idea I thought might be kind of cool."

    There's no grander endeavor than sharing.


  3. This was a great idea and I can't wait to check out the whole collection!

    Thanks so much for the effort. It will be appreciate by many for years to come as players make their way through all sorts of dungeons.

  4. Thanks guys. I think lots of people will be floored at the creativity of many of the entries. I wish more of them could've been recognized, honestly.

    PS: I'm nearing completion of my neverending project that was due four days ago, and it's ALMOST DONE! yay.

    Then I'll be back to more ramblings here at ye auld blogge.
