Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leprechaun Shenanigans

A St. Patrick’s Day Monster and Magic Items for Swords & Wizardry:

Armor Class: -1 [20]
Hit Dice: 1 (attacks as HD 15)
Attacks: 1 (1d3)
Saving Throw: 3
Special: Luck, magical powers
Move: 12
Challenge Level/XP: 7/600XP
A Leprechaun’s very existence is dependant upon it’s stash of rare metals and gems, and they accordingly hoard gold and all manner of precious stones. Leprechauns encountered away from their homes are for the most part simply an annoyance, but woe to the rambler who dares enter a Leprechaun dwelling, be it in a tree, a cave, a hidey-hole, or even underground. Leprechauns do not take kindly to mortals who meddle in their frolicking and mayhem. All Leprechauns can use the spell like magic abilities Invisibility, Detect Magic, Sleep, Wizard Lock, and Plant Growth at will. Leprechauns can cast a special illusion called Fool’s Gold, which will turn pebbles, stones and even soil into Gold Pieces for 1 full day. These coins are masked and radiate no aura of magic whatsoever. Leprechauns, due to their incredible Luck, will never sustain more than a single point of damage from any one attack. This incredible Luck is further reflected in the excellent Armor Class, Saving Throw and attack scores of the Leprechaun. If a Leprechaun is slain its body will turn to ash, and its entire treasure trove will materialize on the spot leaving a large pile of gold and gems behind. The first person to touch this treasure will have to save or be cursed with the Endless Jig. If so cursed, the victim will dance in place for 3d6 turns before collapsing from exhaustion. The victim will then require a period of sound rest of no less than 1 full day before any other activity may be undertaken.


Dunce Cap: Cursed. This cap will appear to be a hat of some sort, be it a helmet or even a wizard cap. Once used, it’s true nature will become apparent as it transforms into a tall, conical felt cloth cap, and the user utters the word “Duh…” The wearer will now stand stupefied for 1d4 rounds, unable to act at all. Until the item is removed via a Remove Curse spell, the wearer will automatically become stupefied thusly for 1d4 rounds at any time he is required to ‘think’. If the player keeps quiet and follows his party members around, and remembers that he is cursed, it is possible to avoid the cap’s effect, but as soon as he does any act that the GM deems fitting, the curse will activate and stupefy him again.

Evil Shoes: These animated boots, slippers or clogs await the unwary. Placed throughout a Leprechaun dwelling, these Evil Shoes present a true threat to the unwary. Sometimes a Leprechaun might be carrying a pair of these to drop upon unsuspecting adversaries. Any living being, other than a Leprechaun, which comes within 10’ of these shoes will cause them to animate and attack. Once animated, they will only deactivate when no target is within 60’, or when the command word is spoken. While animated, the shoes will dance and prance about, kicking the closest living target in the rear, never missing, and causing one damage each round. The shoes will pursue, but only at a movement of 6. If attacked, the shoes are AC 0 [19] with 5 hit points, If reduced to 0 hit points, they are destroyed.

Faerie Mead: This magical libation is a favorite of Leprechauns. While an overindulgence of the alcohol will slightly impair a Leprechaun they are mostly immune to it’s disorienting effects. Each swig of Faerie Mead will heal two points of damage. Any non-Faerie drinking the sweet mead will be healed, but then disoriented for 5 rounds per swig. While so disoriented, a character will have a maximum move of 3, and attack and defend at minus 5 for the duration.

Hidey-Hole: These hollows in trees, stumps or other places are only about two feet around, but are perfect size for a Leprechaun to duck into. When a Leprechaun enters a Hidey-Hole, he can instantly teleport to any other Hidey-Hole within 100’, emerging from the target hole. When a Leprechaun uses a Hidey-Hole, he is instantly healed one point of damage.

Faerie Hourglass: These crystal, sand-filled hourglasses are 4” tall, and store a potent magic. They are sometimes, although rarely, carried by a Leprechaun. More often, they are placed in strategic locations within a Leprechaun dwelling for emergency use. When inverted, the magic is activated. The user is effectively Hasted, as all time around him is slowed down by the Hourglass. The duration of the effect is 10 rounds. Any non Faerie who uses the Hourglass is aged three years. Each Hourglass has a set number of charges (normally 3d10), and it’s magic may only be used once per hour. Once the charges are spent, it crumbles to useless dust.

Maze Garden: Grown and cultivated for years by Leprechauns, these mazes are found only within or just outside of their dwellings. The size of the maze is dependant upon how much time the Leprechaun has been able to enchant and care for the magical shrubs which comprise the walls. Leprechauns and most Faeries are immune to the effects of Maze Gardens, but all others find the winding passages to be confusing and disorienting. Travel through a Garden maze is at a move of no more than 1. While in such a maze, all attacks are at -3 to hit. If the shrubs are hacked with melee weapons, small sections of the maze can be destroyed at a rate of 20 hit points per 10’ section. The shrubs are resistant to both fire and acid.

Plant Prison: The Plant Prison is contained within an enchanted flower pot. It may only be used once, for to free it’s victim the pot must be smashed. To use the prison, the pot must be placed upon the head of a sleeping or unconscious victim, and the command word spoken. Instantly, the victim is turned into a small flower within the soil of the pot. This change is permanent until the pot is smashed. When the pot is broken the prisoner is freed from the magic, but is disoriented for 1d4 rounds. Leprechauns make use of these prisons to unleash foul creatures upon their enemies, or to imprison trespassers (and even possibly extort riches from the prisoner’s allies). If the plant is plucked from the soil without the pot being smashed, the imprisoned victim will likewise be freed, and the pot will become non magic.

Pot o’ Gold: This powerful magic creation is used by Leprechauns to lure or even waylay would be trespassers. This small kettle appears to be brimming with gold and gems, and glows with an inner light. Often, a faint shimmering rainbow appears to be descending down on top of the kettle. Any humanoid viewing the pot must save vs. spell to resist it’s allure. If the character seeing the pot is unsuspecting, he might willingly seek to grab the pot and not attempt to resist it’s magic (no save at this point). Those under it’s allure will seek to greedily grab the pot as fast as they can. As soon as this item is approached within 5’, it will scuttle away from those seeking to grab it. It may be grabbed by trapping it in a corner, or by approaching it at different angles by three or more characters. Once the pot is touched, it turns into a large round stone, non magic and worthless. Every round that the pot is in view, a save is required to resist it’s allure. Particularly vengeful Leprechauns have been known to drop lone trespassers into a circular chamber with a Pot o’ Gold, for once under it’s spell, the magic only ends when the cursed victim touches the pot, or is targeted with a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse.

Seamrogs: These small, rare leaves are collected with great care by Leprechauns, and enchanted to confer a powerful magic upon the user. There are two types, Lesser and Greater Seamrogs. Each is a small clover leaf, the Greater variety being slightly larger than the Lesser variety. Once enchanted, the item can be used by pinning or otherwise wearing the leaf until it’s magic is invoked. Each may be used but once. The Lesser Seamrog allows it’s user to ‘re-roll’ any single die roll during the course of the game, immediately after rolling and before resolution. This can include any game roll, even by the GM. The Greater Seamrog will act in a similar fashion, but the ‘re-roll’ will always be the maximum or most favorable roll. Said re-rolls are limited to combat, saving throws and the like, as judged by the GM (in other words, not for HP, or random events).

Shillelagh: These small Leprechaun canes are of gnarled wood, and but 1’ in length. Once per round, a Leprechaun may use the Shillelagh to smite an opponent for 1d6 damage, with no roll to hit required. Each use expends a charge, and the Shillelagh holds up to 24 (4d6) such charges. In the hands of a character, it acts as a wand and may only be wielded by Magic-Users or Elves.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

~Sham, Quixotic Referee


  1. Hmmm, maybe I'll replace halflings with leprechauns.

  2. That is a pretty slick interpretation of the leprechaun, it will appear in my S&W game.

  3. Good stuff; I actually forgot it was Saint Patrick's day yesterday, must have been why I had a hankering for Guinness... no wait, that's just situation normal. :D

  4. Thanks guys!

    Matt: I too figured I'd enjoy some Guinness yesterday. My two local beer stores were sold out! Ugh. So, I figured I'll just take the wife out to dinner and enjoy a couple pints that way. No Dice. We wound up at a kid friendly place with no Guinness in sight. Ah well. They had Killian's which I refuse to drink, and had to settle on one of my default choices, Yuengling Lager (aka Yinger in some parts).

  5. Poor soul! These days I am a big fan of Guinness Foreign Extra, but I don't think i ahve seen it in any pubs yet (probably not looking hard enough). Still, it is currently my tipple of choice, and I expect to drink a few over the weekend in belated celebration!

  6. Guinness Foreign Extra!

    OK, I am now off to Google that. I've never seen the stuff.

    A couple years back I had the pleasure of taking the Guinness Storehouse tour in Dublin. Granted it's a tourist trap, but going with some non-drinkers allowed me to get a handful of perfectly poured pints at the Sky Bar and another other bar a floor down. Both had great views of the city.

    They eventually had to drag me out by the ankles I was having so much fun.

  7. "another other bar". You'd think I was already tipping back some pints. Maybe I should be. It's nearly 5 o'clock.

  8. Looks like they aren't selling it in the US at the moment. According to the official website:

    Foreign Extra Stout is a beer like no other. The most full-flavoured of all. Singular and striking. Uniquely satisfying. Brewed with extra hops and roasted barley for a natural bite. Bitter and sweet. Refreshingly crisp taste. Always rewarding.

    It also has an ABV of 7.5%, a fact that was not initially apparent to me when I first had the pleasure. :D

  9. Yeah, I read that 7.5 ABV thing too. After doing a search I know for a fact that I have bought that version of Guinness before but it was probably 20 years ago. It's no longer available here in the US, and from what I gather a version of it, at 5 ABV, is contract brewed in Canada for North America, but it is NOT Guinness. That's probably what I bought all those years ago.

    Had I known the 7.5 ABV was available in The Bahamas, I would've consumed copious amounts of the stuff when I was there in November! Ah well, looks like another trip to the UK is in order.

  10. This leprechaun is the bomb! I will be using this description in my game. Thanks for posting this!

  11. You're quite welcome, Ares Vista. Glad you came away from my ramblings with something useful!
